During your Forcite Helmet System Update, you may be required to hard reset your helmet.
Step-by-step instruction:
Step 1: With your helmet turned on, hold the power button for approximately 15 seconds until the lights on your helmet turn off. The helmet will cycle through red and blue lights during this process, and eventually all lights will turn off.
Step 2: Your helmet will then turn on a single red light for a few seconds. Once this happens, quickly press the power button three times. This now enables the helmet to commence a hard reset. You will know this is successful when the power button begins to pulsate a red dim light over time.
Step 3: Wait until you see your helmet has finished the hard reset. This will be indicated by the red light and your helmet turning off.
Step 4: Once your helmet has finished hard resetting and has turned off, press the power button and turn your helmet back on. The firmware update screen will detect your helmet being turned back on, and will progress the update. You will then be notified if the firmware updated successfully.
If you run into any issues while updating the helmet during this step, please reach out to our support team via support@forcite.com.au.